AXA Chair in Climate Change impacts and Coastal Risk
Roshanka Ranasinghe
Professor of Climate Change Impacts and Coastal Risk
Contributing PhD fellows at IHE Delft
Trang Duong Janaka Bamunawala Abdi Mehvar
Graduated Dec 2015 Graduated Apr 2020 Graduated Jan 2019
Climate change impacts A holistic modelling approach Quantifying climate change
on the stability of for catchment-estuary-coastal driven environmental losses
small tidal inlets systems at macro time scales in coastal areas
In collaboration with Deltares In collaboration with Deltares In collaboration with Ministry I&M
PhD thesis PhD thesis PhD thesis
Hieu Ngo Jeewanthi Sirisena Panos Athanasiou
(ongoing) Graduated Dec 2020 (ongoing)
An efficient modelling Future variations in Assessing coastal erosion
approach to support river flows and fluvial hazards at large spatial
economically and socially sediment supply due to scales: insights and
acceptable flood risk climate change and uncertainties
reduction in coastal cities human activities
In collaboration with In collaboration with the In collaboration with EU H2020
Minstry I&M Netherlands Fellowship Program
PhD thesis PhD thesis
Contributing Postdoctoral fellows at IHE Delft
Dr. Chuangshou Wu Aysun Koroglu-Dogan Trang Duong
(2015-2016) (2017-2019) (2017-2020)
Assessing human and Development of a coastal Numerical modelling
climate change impact sustainability scoring tool of coastal sediment transport and
on fluvial sediment transport (CoaSST) climate change impacts on coasts
in Pearl River, China